Oil removal/recovery from wastewater
Advanced Oil and TSS Removal: Oily water presents significant challenges to various industries. In some applications, recovering oils is essential, while in others, oil removal is necessary to prevent interference with downstream processes like membrane separation and fouling.
DISORB employs highly oleophobic media, effectively coalescing oil in the interstitial spaces and trapping total suspended solids (TSS). This easy-to-operate system works without clogging, and the heavier the oil, the higher the oil and TSS removal efficiency.
Superior Performance in Varied Applications ​
In applications such as produced water and upset situations where oil levels can significantly increase, DISORB excels. The system absorbs such shocks without adverse effects on the media. Higher loads trigger quick backwash cycles, ensuring continuous operation. DISORB operates on the principle of a dual media filter and can be retrofitted with minimal structural changes, converting existing nutshell filters into efficient DISORB oil removal separators.
Key Advantages ​
- Effective Oil Coalescence: Utilizes highly oleophobic media to coalesce and remove oil efficiently.
- Reliable TSS Trapping: Traps total suspended solids while maintaining operational ease.
- Shock Absorption: Handles sudden increases in oil levels without media degradation.
- Quick Backwash Cycles: Enables rapid backwash cycles under higher loads.
- Easy Retrofitting: Converts existing nutshell filters into DISORB oil removal separators with minimal structural changes.
Through DISORB technology, we enhance the removal of oils and TSS, helping our customers achieve higher operational efficiency and reliability.
For OIL & GAS - Benefits compared to NUTSHELL Filters ​
- No gas line is required.
- No chemical dosing is required; it saves operation costs.
- No ancillary equipment is required like tanks and sludge thickeners; it Saves energy and maintenance costs.
- No scrubbing is required. Due to the inherent oleophobic nature of the media, During regular backwash, Oil and TSS are easily displaced
Oily water passes through the DISORB media bed and the coalescing effect helps collect the oils on the surface and allows purified water to pass through. The nature of the media does not create a greasy and sticky mess unlike the NUTSHELL filters.Â
DISORB operates at temperatures as high as 85 Degrees C. Short-term excursions of 100 Degrees C are also acceptable. DISORB is an innovative and revolutionary technology in the Oil & Gas, Edible Oil, and Ports – Oil spills verticals.
DiSorb media has the UNIQUE capacity to handle: ​
1-300 ppm of Oil and TSS > 99% removal of both Oil and TSS.
300-700 ppm of Oil and TSS > 99% removal of both Oil and TSS.
700-3000 ppm of Oil and TSS > Can easily handle Intermittent loads with a relatively shorter filtration cycle.

- The DiSorb media will efficiently recover water and oil from oily wastewater by removing the TSS.
- Dramatically reduce OpEx and CapEx by replacing current Oil and TSS removal technologies with just ONE change – switch your existing media to DiSorb!
- Capitalize on the savings by potentially eliminating at least 2-unit operations by simply replacing the existing oil removal filter media with DiSorb and significantly increasing operating efficiencies and savings.
- Achieve the finest filtration by minimizing lifecycle costs without compromising outlet quality.
Advantages & Features
- Highest Recovery of Oil in Water for recycling and reuse.
- Highest Removal of Oil and TSS levels in the water.
- Increased profits while meeting regulatory requirements.
- Protecting the environment by turning oily wastewater into a resource.
- No media scrubbing is required. The oleophobic nature of the media will quickly release all the trapped oil and TSS.
- Meagre attrition rates of less than 1% per year, resulting in the long life of the media. DISORB, a relatively new technology, has been continuously treating produced water with consistent results for over two years at a customer site.
- Unlike other media, DiSorb media is neutral to high concentrations of sulphur. Up to 16% of dissolved sulphur has been tested successfully.
- DiSORB is neutral to surfactants, tested to a maximum of 10 ppm of surfactants.
- DISORB is neutral to hydrocarbons, polymers, bitumen, asphaltenes, paraffin, and wax.
Application ​
- Pretreatment step using DiSorb to prolong the life of membrane-based systems.
- Desalination – Protection from algae and potential oil spills in the sea.
- Biotreatment system protection – MBR systems to be protected from damage caused by oil content. Pretreatment step for UltraFiltration to protect it from Oil and TSS.
- Metal Industry
- Wastewater treatment, Surface water treatment and reuse. Closed water circulation Systems
- Automobile, Shipping, and Airplane production sites.
- Mobile Wastewater Systems for onsite applications where oily water needs to be treated for reuse or discharge.
- AquaCulture industry
- Fish fats and waste very effectively removed with no clumping of media in RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture Systems)
- Bilge Water treatment
We understand your operation is unique. Get in touch to speak with one of our representatives.