Conventional Wastewater Processes ​

AQUASEP range from Diva Envitec Pvt Ltd is the conventional wastewater treatment system utilising equalisation, neutraliation, and primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment stages. It's cost-effective for large volumes of moderately polluted water, offering sustainability.

Globally Approximately 360,000 million liters per year domestic and municipal wastewater is produced. Out of which Wastewater treated in WWTPs is Around 190,000 million liters per year (41% treated and discharged, 11.4% treated and reused). Mostly conventional techniques like AQUASEP are employed. There is a need for advanced technologies in this area.

AQUASEP is a combination of physical, chemical, and biological processes to treat  wastewater stagewise.

  • Equalisation: Streams come from different sections of the plant and here it Balances the flow and pollutant load by storing wastewater, ensuring consistent quality water goes to downstream processes, to avoid shocks.
  • Neutralisation: As the wastewater travels further to a Biological treatment step which works close to neutral pH conditions, here the water  pH is adjusted to neutral levels, this prevents damage to biological treatment steps.
  • Primary Treatment: Larger solids and suspended particles are removed here using unit operations like sedimentation or screening.
  • Secondary Treatment: This is the stage where microorganisms  biologically degrade organic pollutants, reducing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and in turn COD.
  • Tertiary Treatment: Finally the bioloogically treated water passes through  filtration or  Membranes like NF or RO , disinfection, or adsorption to achieve high water quality for discharge or reuse. Current need is towards ZLD, so depending on the total dissolved solids, its sent to Multi-Effect Evaporators (MEE)

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AQUASEP: Conventional Water Processes


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