VAPOZEM - Advanced Evaporation Systems Diva Envitec


Energy Efficient Evaporation systems

Innovative evaporators tailored for energy efficiency, ZLD, and wastewater treatment challenges.

Types of Evaporators Offered

Mechanical Vapor Recompression (MVR)

Recycles steam / solvent vapours for energy savings, ideal for Zero Liquid Discharge, Concentration and crystallisation and distillation.

Thermal Vapor Recompression (TVR)

Reuses vapor via steam ejectors, suited for systems with high-pressure waste steam. Effective proven technology

Agitated Thin-Film Dryers (ATFD)

Dry high-viscosity solutions into solids using a rotating agitator, offering fast evaporation. Ideal for solid discharge in ZLD

Falling Film Evaporators

Create a thin liquid film over heated tubes, ensuring efficient evaporation with minimal thermal damage. Advantageous in heat labile products

Forced Circulation

Evaporators use high-speed recirculation pumps to prevent scaling and handle viscous, high-salinity solutions. Hybrid systems designed for efficiency

How to select the right VAPOZEM Evaporator

Step 1: Analyze Wastewater Characteristics Identify TDS, COD, BOD, and daily flow rate.

Step 2: Determine Evaporation Capacity

Select system size based on wastewater volume.

Step 3: Assess Energy Availability

Choose electricity, steam, or hybrid operation.

Step 4: Define Recovery & Disposal Goals.

Decide between water reuse or zero-liquid discharge (ZLD).

Step 5: Consult Vapozem Experts

Customize system based on industry needs.

How to select the right VAPOZEM Evaporator


VAPOZEM - Energy Efficient Evaporation systems Diva Envitec
VAPOZEM - Energy Efficient Evaporation systems Diva Envitec

Say Yes to Energy Efficiency

Industry uses evaporation systems, which are energy guzzlers. Bringing down the energy costs is always a challenge.
Diva Envitec offers a wide range of evaporation solutions – Forced circulation evaporators, falling film evaporators, agitated thin-film dryers (ATFD), mechanical vapor recompression (MVR), and thermal vapor recompression (TVR).
For the new projects we can offer innovative approaches, but we also convert existing MEE to MVR. By retrofitting existing evaporators with MVR our clients make their process more energy efficient. Apt for low temperature and heat-sensitive applications such as foods and proteins.

Latest Brochures

VAPOZEM: Mechanical Vapor Recompression


Vapozem: Sugar, Distillery & Bioethanol​


Vapozem: MVR Evaporators



Black Liquor concentration







Grain Processing

Vegetable Processing

Fruit Juices

Electrolyte Baths

Saline Water

Citric Acid

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid

ZLD -Zero Liquid Discharge

Sewage Sludge

Lacquer Sludge

Liquid Manure

Oil Recycling

Recycling of special metals

Seawater Desalination

Paper Drying, Wood Drying, Pellets Drying and Peat Drying

Boiler Feedwater

Blood Plasma

Commercialisation of Meat and Fish

Acetic Acid




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