Nano-Bubbles improve process efficiency increasing mass transfer 10,000 times
NANOPOREX -S spargers infuse finely scattered gas nano-bubbles in the reaction mass. Nano-Bubbles improve mixing and expand the surface area available for gas-liquid mass transfer. The approach increases chemical and biological process efficiencies. It is also used to remove gases from liquids. Industrial processes rely heavily on mass transfer operations. Liquid -Gas interface reactions use vacuum fused NANOPOREX-S micronisers/spargers capable of producing nanobubbles. Vacuum fused Sintered microniser increases the mass transfer surface area almost 10,000 times more than drilled pipe or diffusers conventionally used in Industry.
The gas is dispersed as a fine mist of nano-bubbles, increasing the mass transfer area, so when liquid-gas interphase reactions are carried out, the increased surface area enhances the reactions.
Vacuum fused cavitating Micronisers create fine nano to micro-bubbles and generate millions of tiny bubbles. The basic premise is that if we can increase the surface area in a two-phase reaction between gases and liquid, we would have very fast, efficient mass transfer.
Diva Envitec designs micronisers with vacuum fused sintered metal tubes/plates. Static and Dynamic spargers are configured for effective micronising applications without having any moving parts. The designs could be from a single element to manifolded multiple-element system, easy to install and very effective and efficient gas/liquid contacting solutions.
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NANOPOREX: Nano-Bubbles improve process efficiency increasing mass transfer 10,000 times
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