Colour / Organics / VOC Removal
Activated Carbon is extensively used in the API, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries for the removal of colour, odour, and VOCs. Our CARBOSORB range features acid-washed and steam-treated low ash activated carbon with exceptional physical adsorption capacity. Available grades include those with a surface area greater than 1500 m²/g.
CARBOSORB Activated Carbon is produced from high-purity coconut shell or wood, chosen for their ability to provide effective adsorption. The activated carbon has a random, porous structure with a wide range of pore sizes, from visible cracks to molecular dimensions. This extensive surface area allows CARBOSORB to effectively adsorb a variety of compounds.
CARBOSORB activated carbon filters function similarly to sand or bed filters. The liquid passes through the carbon bed, where impurities are adsorbed. We also offer ready-to-use cartridges and canisters made from CARBOSORB. The lifespan of activated carbon filters depends on feed quality and the concentration of impurities. Filters must be replaced periodically, with laboratory tests used to determine media efficacy and life cycle.
Cartridges and canisters should be disposed of based on usage and service intervals. Our Powder Grade CARBOSORB can be slurried for use in reactors to remove impurities.
Medium activity level for effective adsorption.
High density for superior performance.
High wettability for better contact with contaminants.
High hardness and abrasion resistance for durability.
Proven effectiveness for multiple reactivations.
Excellent adsorption capacity with both adsorption and transport pores.
CARBOSORB is available in various forms, all featuring acid-washed and steam-treated quality with low ash content.
CARBOSORB G – Granular Activated Carbon (GAC)
Irregular-shaped particles ranging from 0.2 to 5 mm.
CARBOSORB P – Powder Activated Carbon (PAC)
Pulverized carbon with a size predominantly less than 0.18 mm.
CARBOSORB E – Extruded Activated Carbon (EAC)
Cylindrical extruded carbon with diameters from 0.8 to 5 mm.
Removal of organics, colour, and trace impurities.
Haze removal, odour control, and decolourization.
Edible oil treatment for PAH, PCB removal, and colour modification.
Glycerine decolorization and odour removal.
VOC removal from off-gas streams.
Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
Drinking water purification and swimming pool water treatment.
Boiler water treatment and landfill leachate remediation.
Granulated Activated Carbon - GAC for Sugar refining colour removal
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